"You are the result of the love of thousands" Linda Hogan (Chickasaw) @Chandra Cerrito Contemporary, Oakland, CA
During the month of July, people from the Bay Area and around the world participated into this project telling me:
-where they come from, or any place they feel more connected,
-poets/poems/writers from these places (or from anywhere around the world) that have touched them.
The above data was transformed into a drawing, a loose map, taking over the front gallery of Chandra Cerrito Contemporary. After research, coordinates of the given places along with poems/quotes from the authors were written on the walls. Numbers, letters, lines, and dots created a universe alongside with hanging sculptures which physically manifested the connections between places and people as diverse materials gathered from my trips around the world were used.
Seen here: part of the wall drawing with sculptures made of wires, found threads and strings.
Photo by Takako Matoba